Page name: Tasteful Smut Contest [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-01-17 23:23:14
Last author: wicked fae mage
Owner: wicked fae mage
# of watchers: 14
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Welcome to my first tasteful smut contest. Because of many positive responses to the idea of a smut contest, I have decided to start one up. If there is enough participation, I'll be happy to repeat the contest every few months or so.

Here's a tip page I am working on. You can leave your suggestions and comments in the comments section and I'll edit and credit. :)-Not the dirty word...

0) The other entrants and volunteer judges shall read and judge all entries. The forum for this wiki will be up for voting when the contest ends on March 1st, 2011.
1) No porn without plot. Tasteful indicates that there should be a plot. There should be a rising action and a climax xD
2) The entry should have at least one character. There is no limit to the number of characters.
3) Sex, amour, affection and emotion should make an appearance.
4) Your characters can be of any orientation.
5) You should be open to having people judge your writing or comment on your writing.
6) Constructive criticism is helpful, but insulting somebody's work is against Elftown's policy of not being an asshole.
7) This should be fun and slightly embarrassing.
8) Your entry should be at least 100 words.
9) Link your entry's wiki page in the appropriate place and sign your name to the link like so:

0) The Suitor Excerpt by [wicked fae mage]
1) TFK excerpt 1 by [Veltzeh]
2) Moonlit Affair by [Lirerial]
3) House of Children by [Veltzeh]
4) The Dead Girl Downstairs by [Alexi Ice]
5) Summer Showers by [9jlriexqk,ktpk]
6) The Pain Of The First Time by [Alexi Ice]
7) Returned Love by [Flisky]
8) To Die for Him by [Lirerial]

Username (or number or email):


2011-01-25 [Nioniel]: Awesome. :)

2011-01-25 [Flisky]: Yay!!!!!!! ^_^

2011-01-26 [Skydancer]: Hmmm Well, shall watch with interest.

2011-01-27 [Aliz]: *lurker waiting for entries* :D

2011-01-28 [Flisky]: Mine is on the way. Just need to put some finishing touches on it.

2011-01-28 [Aliz]: I'll... keep on lurking then XD lmao

2011-01-30 [wicked fae mage]: Lol, are you ecstatic?

2011-01-30 [Aliz]: Should I be? XD

2011-01-30 [wicked fae mage]: I'm sure there's plenty of reason to be

2011-01-30 [Aliz]: like... japanese test tomorrow that I haven't studied for yet? XD LOL

2011-01-30 [wicked fae mage]: Ow...I've been doing homework all day yesterday and today

2011-01-30 [Aliz]: I should've done that, but I didn't OTL

2011-01-30 [wicked fae mage]: I however placed fifteenth out of 25 in a sealed deck draft on Saturday before seven of us left, leaving the other 2 from our school there since they had a chance of placing.

2011-01-30 [Aliz]: *don't know what that is* O______o

2011-01-30 [wicked fae mage]: Magic the Gathering...we get six booster packs to make a deck of 40+ cards; lands are given as needed. Everybody competes until there is only one person with the best score.

2011-01-31 [Aliz]: Ah, ok XD

2011-01-31 [wicked fae mage]: You still don't get it, do you?

2011-01-31 [Aliz]: I think I got it XD But maybe not XD

2011-01-31 [wicked fae mage]: You tap lands for mana to cast spells

2011-01-31 [Aliz]: It sounds sort of fun... but a bit confusing XD

2011-01-31 [wicked fae mage]: It is. I was the only female there ><;
Which is apparently not surprising.

2011-01-31 [Aliz]: It sounds like something 80% of my classmates would happily do XD So it's a bit surprising XD

2011-02-01 [wicked fae mage]: Lol I have a few friends who do but they were busy

2011-02-01 [Aliz]: aw D: spank them D:

2011-02-01 [wicked fae mage]: I'm not sure that would work xD

2011-02-01 [Aliz]: Why not? >:D

2011-02-01 [wicked fae mage]: Well, I only see them at school...

2011-02-01 [Aliz]: :D

2011-02-01 [wicked fae mage]: Well, that would be awkward considering my and their sexuality

2011-02-01 [Aliz]: Nah :D

2011-02-01 [wicked fae mage]: Yeah, it would. now certain male friends...*cough, cough*

2011-02-01 [Aliz]: I'll just blame it on me being European :D L O L

2011-02-02 [wicked fae mage]: I'm American. I'm subjected to sex even while playing magic. My boobs are the center of attention being one of the only females at the school that plays magic.

2011-02-02 [Thunder Cid]: Put a big jacket on or a shirt that says "I have tits so what?"...getsem everytime.

2011-02-02 [wicked fae mage]: A friend tells me to just get a T-shirt with two white mana symbols on the chest. xD

2011-02-02 [Aliz]: Somehow, even if I wear a white t-shirt at work and get soaked everytime I clean the dishwasher, nobody even raises an eyebrow XD

2011-02-02 [wicked fae mage]: Well, his thing is that quote: "I'd tap tap that for mana!"

2011-02-02 [Aliz]: L O L XD

2011-02-02 [wicked fae mage]: I adore him though xD

2011-02-06 [wicked fae mage]: Well, here we go. How goes all of our smut writing?

2011-02-06 [Aliz]: Slow it seems D: lol

2011-02-07 [wicked fae mage]: Lol, yeah I feel that most watchers of the page want to judge the contest. The ultimate opinion goes to a friend I know IRL...he just wants to read them and judge them...not join ET xD

2011-02-07 [Aliz]: I can try advertising in my diary, but I dunno how much it'll help >_____<;;

2011-02-07 [Flisky]: Hey...don't forget me! I'm going to submit my story once I feel it is 100%. ^_^

2011-02-07 [wicked fae mage]: Advertise, invite etc... So we have 3 people as of now.

2011-02-07 [Veltzeh]: How about old (as in not made for this, but smut nevertheless) writings? Are they okay? :o

2011-02-07 [wicked fae mage]: Yes, you may use old works

2011-02-07 [Lirerial]: I'm going to submit!

2011-02-07 [Veltzeh]: There I go. I've got more of these kind of things too, but that one is probably the best ...which isn't really saying much, cough. X)
Is it okay to add more or are you looking for one per person?

2011-02-08 [wicked fae mage]: You can do more than one. I'd say limit it to 3 per person to keep it manageable.

2011-02-08 [Alexi Ice]: Cool!

2011-02-08 [wicked fae mage]: xD

2011-02-08 [Alexi Ice]: What....>> Smut is cool

2011-02-08 [wicked fae mage]: I love smut writing that is well-done.

2011-02-08 [Lirerial]: heh yup yup ^_^ btw I submitted mine, this is my first time writing smut, so idk if its right lol

2011-02-08 [wicked fae mage]: I'm sure so long as it's sexual or involving a sex scene/foreplay it'll be fine.

2011-02-08 [Alexi Ice]: I probably have some but....IDK where it is. Lol.

2011-02-08 [wicked fae mage]: Well if you find it feel free to enter

2011-02-11 [Alexi Ice]: I might write something new ~

2011-02-11 [wicked fae mage]: Woot! Much encouragements!

2011-02-11 [Alexi Ice]: What's with the Vampire theme...>> Lol.

2011-02-11 [Alexi Ice]: Alright, brand new and written just for this contest! ^^

Hope it's not too long...

It's an excerpt but..I wasn't sure what to cut out...>>

2011-02-11 [Aliz]: Vampire's are hawt :D That's why! LOL

2011-02-11 [Veltzeh]: I'll be here, balancing your vampires with epicene aliens. ;)

2011-02-11 [wicked fae mage]: Uh, I have a vamp fetish

2011-02-11 [Nioniel]: I think I might enter this.

2011-02-11 [Alexi Ice]: That's ok, my girlz a Zombie. Lol ~ So meh. Us fantasy obsessed people!

And yes, Nioniel! You should def. enter!

2011-02-11 [Aliz]: Now we only miss elves XD LOL

2011-02-11 [Veltzeh]: Well, depending on how you read my TFK one, the characters can double as elves. XD

2011-02-12 [wicked fae mage]: Lol all of the nerdy fetishes come forth!

2011-02-22 [wicked fae mage]: Last call for the smut writers

2011-02-22 [moira hawthorne]: run it longer... I havent made the ribbons yet... sorry been so sick this month and tryong to get my own art done...

2011-02-22 [wicked fae mage]: Alright, no problems. Extended until the first for now?

2011-02-24 [Flisky]: My story is actually about an elf...

2011-02-24 [9jlriexqk,ktpk]: Oo oo :) I'll enter this. I like writing a bit of VERY tasteful smut :

2011-02-24 [Aliz]: yay XD more to read <3

2011-02-24 [Alexi Ice]: I might write another one that isn't an except...

2011-02-24 [Aliz]: yay XD

2011-02-25 [wicked fae mage]: Alright, do full, do excerpt just enjoy what you write xD

2011-02-26 [Alexi Ice]: Cute picture!

2011-02-26 [9jlriexqk,ktpk]: I am about to start a short for this (after I read how far the others take it.) That is all peoples :P

2011-02-26 [Aliz]: I'm gonna have fun reading after my midterm :D lol

2011-02-27 [wicked fae mage]: Lol go as far as you want xD

2011-02-28 [moira hawthorne]: sorry sorry need to do ribbons for this... been having trouble finishing the art I had to get done before you ask me... I know im slow...
I like your banner image nice!

2011-02-28 [wicked fae mage]: Thanks ^^ Aliz did it

2011-02-28 [Aliz]: Thanks ^^; <--new career choice? L O L

2011-02-28 [wicked fae mage]: Lol sure xD

2011-02-28 [Aliz]: "Hi mom, dad, I'm moving to Japan in August and I'm gonna become a smut artist <3 wish me good luck" XD!!!

2011-02-28 [wicked fae mage]: Good luck xD

2011-02-28 [Aliz]: I can imagine it'd be just as awkward as when I had to explain "host club" to my mom the other day OTL

2011-02-28 [wicked fae mage]: LMAO xD

2011-02-28 [Aliz]: Lucky me T____T my parents shouldn't watch tv after 8 pm XD

2011-02-28 [wicked fae mage]: Lol mine never paid any mind to what I watched

2011-02-28 [Aliz]: Mine neither, which is probably why -I- have to explain things to them now LMAO

2011-03-01 [wicked fae mage]: Well, I guess it's always cool to let them know what you're doing? I don't know. I'm not that good at caring what my parents think.

2011-03-01 [Alexi Ice]: So I'm not sure mine is smut or just plain fucked up...>>
The new one I'm writing, I mean.

2011-03-01 [Aliz]: I'm sure it's fine XD

2011-03-01 [9jlriexqk,ktpk]: Does it have to be about vamps or jsut anything in particulaa la lar?

2011-03-01 [wicked fae mage]: No, the vamps are just in mine as far as I know.

2011-03-02 [Flisky]: Damn. I missed the deadline, didn't I?

2011-03-02 [9jlriexqk,ktpk]: Oh nuts. I never even saw that!! Can' t you extend it? >>

2011-03-02 [Veltzeh]: Quick! Add them before anyone notices! ;)

2011-03-02 [Aliz]: LMAO XD

2011-03-02 [9jlriexqk,ktpk]: eeek. (I have not even had time to finish it) :(

2011-03-02 [Aliz]: hurry? XD

2011-03-03 [Alexi Ice]: Bleh. I think I changed pronouns halfway through from your to she...which I have such a horrid habit of doing. Nothing I can't tweak. Hopefully it won't get too much deduction for that.

2011-03-03 [Flisky]: Can I post tomorrow??? *begs* The internet is being so slow I can't even barely load pages!

2011-03-04 [wicked fae mage]: Go ahead and post whenever. I'll close it later on since there is a lot of late interest in the contest.

2011-03-04 [9jlriexqk,ktpk]: Yaaaaaay! (Because I have not finished and I don't get much time to complete extras for competitions so that makes me happy.)

2011-03-04 [Alexi Ice]: I threw out the one I thought was disturbing and bought this one ^^

2011-03-04 [wicked fae mage]: Disturbing?

2011-03-05 [Alexi Ice]: I wrote one that was like hard core vampire stuf. Lol.

2011-03-05 [wicked fae mage]: Lol yay

2011-03-05 [Aliz]: How is that disturbing? O_____o

2011-03-09 [Aliz]: Hm =/
If I hurry, could I try to write a story too (even if I'm fail, and it will be super cliche sappy sugar sweet BL)? XD

2011-03-09 [Ravendust]: [wicked fae mage] is currently on vacation, I'm sure she'd appreciate another entrant, though, probably been holding off in case there was more interest. I say go for it :) She'll be back to netting again soon.

2011-03-09 [Aliz]: I see xD I thought she'd been gone for a while XD That explains it XD

2011-03-10 [wicked fae mage]: Go for an entry or three. And yes, twas on partial spring break vacation with the boyfriend and the goblin king.

2011-03-10 [Aliz]: I have some sparetime around nowish, so I figured I could give it a go xD lmao
I'll try to finish soon >____<;;;

2011-03-11 [wicked fae mage]: Mkays :D

2011-03-11 [moira hawthorne]: ooooooooooooooooooo so thats where he was... give me back jareth it my time share now

2011-03-12 [wicked fae mage]: xD

2011-03-17 [Lirerial]: I posted one more, is that ok or was it too late?

2011-03-17 [wicked fae mage]: No, it's fine

2011-03-17 [Alexi Ice]: I feel like my stories don't quite fit in here...>> Lol!

2011-03-17 [wicked fae mage]: Why?

2011-03-18 [Alexi Ice]: They are girl-love while the others feature straight couples. Hehehe ^^' It's good to be different though

2011-03-18 [Ravendust]: love isn't just heterosexual, anything is fitting.

2011-03-18 [Aliz]: so? I'm writing a boys-love story XD

2011-03-18 [Flisky]: Mine is boy love! Is there something wrong with that???

2011-03-18 [wicked fae mage]: No, nothing wrong with that

2011-03-18 [Veltzeh]: And mine can't even be called homo- or heterosexual! :D

2011-03-18 [wicked fae mage]: Nothing wrong with that either. Read the rules: notice that all sex and love are welcomed into the contest

2011-03-19 [Veltzeh]: Exactly. :)

2011-03-19 [wicked fae mage]: So anything odd is welcome too.

2011-05-10 [Flisky]: *chirp chirp* Anyone still watching here?

2011-05-10 [Veltzeh]: Of course!

2011-05-10 [Flisky]: I was worried that our fearless leader had forgotten.

2011-05-10 [9jlriexqk,ktpk]: I have a complete short story but I think it is too explicit.

2011-05-10 [Veltzeh]: Are you sure? This is a contest for porn, after all.

2011-05-10 [wicked fae mage]: It's not too explicit. And I hadn't forgotten. I just wanted to leave the contest open for the shy folks and the interest that was generated a few weeks ago.

2011-05-10 [Flisky]: Come on out shy folks! If this gets 10 entries, I'll let you all read my REAL porn stuff. ;)

2011-05-10 [Aliz]: I'll try to enter my story if I can finish it >__<
I got a bad cold and now it seems exams finally caught up with me =[

2011-10-02 [wicked fae mage]: I am still pushing for some new blood on these grounds!

2011-10-02 [Aliz]: waah D: sorry, I got too busy and then I forgot ;______;
You don't have to wait for me, but I'll post it if I can finish in time ^^;;;

2011-10-02 [Alexi Ice]: I might write another one. lolz

2011-10-02 [Lirerial]: lol same :)

2011-10-03 [wicked fae mage]: Good, good!

2011-10-03 [Nioniel]: Could I add this to The Best of Elftown under contests?

2011-10-03 [wicked fae mage]: Of course, if it's appropriate for the page. :)

2011-10-03 [Nioniel]: Thank you!

2011-10-03 [wicked fae mage]: You are most welcome :)

2011-10-03 [Nioniel]:   :D

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